

Monday 1 August 2011

I wasn't that drunk Harry Potter jokes

I found a few days ago, browsing the Internet, some really cool jokes about Harry Potter. Enjoy them :)-lily:X

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, you handed your carkeys to a midget and said 'Vault 217!'"

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, Dude you ran at a wall screaming '9 and 3/4'!"

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, you tried to open your door by screaming 'Alohamora!'"

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, you stood in my Fireplace and yelled, 'Diagon Alley!'"

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, you gave a sock to a Midget yelling 'Dobby, you're FREE!'" 

I wasn't that drunk:

-Dude, you jumped in my car and said something was wrong because it wouldn't get off the ground.

-You took a running start at a brick wall with a shopping cart you stole from a homeless guy because you swore it was the way to platform 9 3/4.

-You saw a spider, screamed that it was one of aragog's children and then ran away.

-You stood in my fireplace screaming 'diagon alley'.

-You ran in the room yelling, "troll in the dungeon", turns out it was just super in the basement.


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